Technorati Profile

Sunday, May 6, 2007

An example of collective intelligence at work

As a staff, we developed this mission statement and vision statement. This was a collective effort.

Mission Statement
The mission of the _____ School District, in partnership with families and our community, is to uphold a safe and positive environment that fosters educational opportunities for the youth of our community to become contributing citizens and life long learners.

Our Vision
Members of the _____ School District, as a group of caring and professional individuals:

• Are respectful, courteous and responsible.
• Use all resources to improve learning.
• Value and enjoy learning with high expectations and standards.
• Recognize achievements.

What do employers look for in our students?

What do Employers look for in employees?
After reviewing a large number of papers on this subject. I have came to the conclusion that educators must carefully consider teaching and developing the following;
PASSION & Positive Attitude
Strong Work Ethic
Intrinsic Motivation
Self Confidence
Empathy for Other People
People Skills & Teamwork Ability
Ability to Teach Yourself New Skills
Problem Solving & Analytical Skills
Ability to search & find answers
Oral/Written Communication skills
Reading, Writing & Math Skills
Computer Skills

Our state test (the WASL) doesn't consider many of these areas. Perhaps we are leaving some children behind?